23 February 2011

Well That Was Awkward

Never crying in front of him again. It was weird.
Mostly because I have known him for 4 or some odd years, and never once shed a tear in front of him. And it was weird because he was okay with it. I almost expected him to cringe away and run in fear because he didn't know how to act towards a girl crying over stupid shit.
God. PMS blows.
Not that what I wasn't upset over wasn't genuinely sad, but still. Really? I didn't even expect to have that conversation until about June or July. Oiiiiii.
C'mon Meg, get your act together.

12 February 2011

Things Are Looking Up, Oh Finally.

  • Got an apartment in East Lansing, literally a block from MSU's campus. (Maybe a little bit more than that, but I'm only counting major streets that I actually know the name of haha).
  • Got a job at Subway.
I am so geeked right now. Seriously.
If only I could hear back from MSU. Sheesh. And they decided a week ago they would finally ask me for my HS transcript. Goodness gracious. It looks like Monday is going to be a Hell of a day for me. I have to open a checking account for work, hopefully get called into work to do my "testing", and go get my transcript. I might go to the high school before my class starts at noon. We'll see how motivated I am.
For now though, it looks like a huge plummet in my appearance at SP-type things, such as Small Group, and Game Night, because I totally put my availability over those times. I would feel worse, but I have been working there for over five years as a volunteer, and I REALLY need money.