28 September 2011

A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court

I got a tattoo. 
SHHH. Not even Rosie knows. Muahaha.
(That means keep it a secret guys!)

21 September 2011


I need to stop smoking.
How about by next week?
After this weekend, and after this pack, I am done.
Hold me to it guys. Just keep calling me an asshole and that I am weird, and that I will die of cancer by the time I am 30. Just do it.

19 September 2011

Look What Has Become Of Me

This is me, watching Fullmetal Alchemist, suuuuuuuper obessed. Thanks for talking about all the time guys, NOW I AM ADDICTED.
All I do is homework, watch Fullmetal Alchemist, and eat when I am at my apartment. At least during the week that is. I really need to get out more.