To me, it always seems like I get my better dreams after I am woken up and fall back asleep. Today was one of those examples because my little sister texted me at 5:30 this morning to tell me I didn't have school, when I normally wouldn't have woken up for another 20 minutes and hit the snooze button four more times. I was already awoken from a good dream, that I can't seem to remember the details of, including my boyfriend and my twin sister doing something stupid at the mall with beach balls (Don't ask). Let me explain what happened...
My family and I were on the way to Saginaw and Frankenmuth, which happened to be one-in-the-same; something like Saginmuth (haha). We were all dressed up and on our way to dinner. I happened to notice that the inaugural ordeal of Obama was going to take place there. I saw people wearing funny clothes, many of them in fur coats. So we got onto the highway to get to our destination, emerging onto the wrong side of the highway. Avoiding as many accidents as my dad could, we quickly pulled of the freeway and made our way to the restaurant. I thought we were going to go to regular places like Bavarian Inn or Zhender's, but oh no, we were going to this weird complex that held like seven different types of restaurant. As we make our way to a super awesome looking place, my mom cuts in and says "Wait let's go there!" She points to a restaurant painted in pastel colors and and little kids that are running around everywhere. I immediately gave her the look "Are you kidding me?" No matter what face I made, she dragged us over to the restaurant and started to get us a place to sit. My little sister began singing Bohemian Rhapsody, but only one part; "Mama! Ooooo..." I looked to my dad, "Do we really have to go here?" He replies, "If this is where your mother wants to eat, then yes." I rolled my eyes and looked at my twin sister. She was giving an ugly look to a crying baby that was running through the room. I gave the same look when it broke the sound barrier saying "MAMA!" Laura came back with a quick reply, "Ooooo..." finishing that part of the song (haha).
Then I wake up.
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