23 October 2009

Well aside from yesterday's little rant...

Here is some other news I would like to share.
First of all, my philosophy is rocketing through the roof! I got a 95 on a quiz (one wrong suckas), and then I got an 88 on my exam, which is pretty damn good compared to most. Then my teacher reminded us that he drops our two lowest quiz grades! I need to do well on the rest of them so that he only has to drop the 50 and 65, which were shameful Socrates quizzes (I hate that damn guy haha). I'm doing my best to work well in that class. There is a nice girl who sits next to me, and she is an AMAZING artist, that's probably why I didn't do well in the class at first because I would just sit and stare at the beautiful things she was drawing on her papers, but now I'm used to it.
On the flip side, CHEMISTRY IS KICKING MY ASS. It really shouldn't be hard for me because I learned it all about three years ago, but I guess that means I have forgotten most of it. I have received 65's and lower on my 3 quizzes, except for one which I got a 95 on (she took one point off because she couldn't tell my "n" was and "m" or something ridiculous like that). Then I just got a huge test back, and guess what I got? A freakin 65!! I'm so mad. I need to do A LOT better. I think I'm doing alright on the homework, but that is because I can check in the back of the book and they have EVERY answer. My testing skills are shameful.
Then there is English. Lord knows what I have in English because that teacher is fucking retarded. Nicole will be here in a little bit to work on our portfolio. We were stupid enough to have our "conference" with our teacher on Monday, and she just assigned this Wednesday. Nicole is worse off because she has it at 10am and I don't have to go until 1pm. The up side to all of this: NO CLASS FOR 3 DAYS. Thank the good Lord.
Now to Psych. Thank goodness that teacher was blessed with her head on straight. She has no midterm, no cumulative exam, and no homework. Some people think this is a bad thing, but I've already taken Psych and I'm doing better and better on my tests. She also drops the lowest test grade (She likes to call them mini exams), so that D I got about a month ago will be tossed out the door.
Now speaking of Halloween. There seems to be a lot of debate with this, for me. I kind of want to stay here, but Rosie is now searching for a costume for me (she wants to be twin fairies, with the extent of not being slutty haha). Not to mention, Angel and Katie keep bugging me about it, mostly Rosie though. So I might go down Thursday night and stay there all weekend, or stay here with Bri and see scary movies. I have no idea yet.

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