11 September 2010

Ich heisβe Meg.

Well, I must say, it has been one hell of an interesting first week of school.
I started out the week with Sociology and German. Sociology was spent peeing my pants laughing so hard. My teacher is ridiculous. I don't know how many awkward or inappropriate things that woman said, but whoa, it was crazy. I sit next to a nice girl named Naomi, and we talk sometimes, especially when we have no idea what is going on in class anymore.
German kind of went much the same way. I sat next to a scene-ish girl named Alyx (Yes, that's how she wanted it spelled) and she was really nice. We talked a bit, and both kinda got weirded out by this kid who would not shut up, and we had to do all our practice talking thingies with each other. So that was great.
The next day I had math, and that was the most boring thing of my life. Of course. These two girls would not shut up the whole time about their trashy boyfriends. I got to class like three minutes before class started, and I guess that's what I get. I should have noticed that no one was sitting in their vicinity and that they were all avoiding eye contact. I had to do my best to ignore them. They were horribly loud whisperers, and my teacher didn't say anything. Oh well. New seat next time. The same day, I had to take Laura to a doctors appointment, and almost got hit by a high schooler because she sucked so bad at driving. Ugh high schoolers.
Then I had creative writing on Friday. Finally, a challenging class haha. Okay, that was kind of mean, but its true. I have to have a giant binder like Hillis and keep writing junk in it and she will grade it half way through the semester and at the end of the semester. I have to have a journal everyday, and I have at least three reading responses a week. The only thing is, this is a creative non-fiction class (CNF), and I find that odd. I am kind of excited about that though because I seem to lack skill in that area I think. Also, as a test, because Bri told me to be careful when I wear my Mario shirt in public, I wore that very shirt to class on Friday. Oh man. I sat down, and every direction I looked, one nerdy guy after another took a seat around me. Seriously, 360. Finally, the one guy to my left had the courage to asked me if I actually like Nintendo, and we had to talk about that. Of course, all the other dudes were interested, so they listened in. About 5 minutes into the convo, I silently backed out, and they continued talking about Segas and Genesis, both of which I know nothing about. So, from then on, whenever there was time to talk in that class, or when there was break, video games came up. Ugh. What have I done?
That night (last night), I chaperoned the St. Paul Confirmation Youth Lock-In. The group consisted of 7th and 8th graders, and there were probably about 20 kids. Then, there were 6 "adults". It was Chris Garcia, Liz Schlieger (Josh's gf)), Kathleen Fink (one of the funniest people ever), Andrew Brazeal (he plays Ultimate with us on Sundays), Chris Walsh (the new kid), and of course, me. I mostly hung out with Andrew and Walsh when they got there, mostly because Liz and Kathleen sat around and were in charge of kids who wanted to be chill and stay in certain areas, or because they didn't do sports. Then of course Garcia was running around getting stuff ready for after certain events, seeing as he was the youth leader. It had been a super long time since I hung out with Andrew, and that was really fun. He and I were in charge of dispensing of a live mouse. UGH. I also got to learn a bit about Walsh. That is one goofy kid. I mean, besides saying goofy things, this kid is 6 ft 8. Yeah, GINORMOUS. And hanging out with Andrew and Walsh was kind of intimidating, because Andrew is half a foot taller than me, and then Walsh is a foot and an inch taller then me. Holy Bob.
Well, that's all I got for now. Maybe another update sooner rather than later, because these are getting lengthy due to the lack of motivation for writing these out.

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