Which was turned around a bit by learning that Fry will be coming home this weekend, so that was good to hear.
And my dad putting gas in my car, that was nice too.
But other than that, I have been just Negative Nancy all day.
- Somehow it took me until this morning to find out that I have a total of SIX exams next week. Count 'em, 1-2-3-4-5-6. Possibly seven if my German teacher decides to give us an oral exam, which she most undoubtedly will. I have two in Bio (Lab and Lecture), two in German (written and if oral happens, then that too), and THREE in math.
- Now about math. I fucking hate my math teacher that son-of-a-bitch. He teaches nothing and we are only on CHAPTER 3 and its the end of the semester. WTF. So we have test three on Tuesday, and test four stapled to our final exam on Thursday. I am so mad right now.
- To propel this situation further in to the depths of complete shit, I realized that I would also have no time to study this weekend, because I will be working 27 hours. Now, I shouldn't be complaining, because I REALLY need the money for my apartment in the Fall, but sjdhaljskhdsa, its exam week and its kicking my ass. To top it off, I work 2-8 on Easter Sunday, which is stupid, because everyone at my work knows I am like the only one who actually GOES to church. Those dicks. But, I guess since we just fired two more people, we need to start covering more shifts.
I just really need it to be spring. I need it to be warm, my classes to be over, I need the time to go and workout and burn off some steam, and there to be a bonfire scheduled. Sheesh. And maybe another Jimmy concert!
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