27 May 2011

Odd Predicaments.

  • I've been asked to go to Josh's wedding, not as like a date or anything, just asked if I was going to go to it since my family was invited. Not that I was in love with the guy, but I still feel as if he would make things extremely awkward. Liz has been okay with everything, and she wanted to make sure I was okay before she extended that invites to me, or whatever, but idk, I may just skip this one.
  • I haven't told my work yet that I am moving in August/ got into Michigan State. This could be bad. I just don't want them to hire someone to train and then cut my hours in doing so, because I know I work with stupid, lame people like that. I actually probably won't say anything until the end of July...
  • Not that this is bad, but its odd that my mom is okay with me being gone for two nights in Grand Rapids with Bill and Nicole, staying at Bill's apartment. I know my dad was a little annoyed that I would be staying at a guy's apartment, but its Bill. I just think its weird that my parents are okay with it seeing as Laura's open house is that weekend. Missing out on yard work, HECK YEAH!
I am just so excited for a tiny little vacation to Grand Rapids, or anywhere for that matter. Its been summer for a month for me, and I still haven't had a little R & R since school ended. This is going to be great!