26 October 2010

Another Hot Dave Story

So, in German class today, I was stuck spelling and answering for Turkish names and cities in front of the whole class. It was kind of embarrassing, but I got through it, mostly because Hot Dave was cheering me on. After I did a semi-okay job on the reading, Dave turned around and told me, “Good job, I felt your pain,” and he proceeded giving me a high five. After almost passing out from contact of such hotness, my teacher moved on with the lesson. She went on to say, “Dave, you seem like the sentimental type. How about you read that love poem on the bottom of page 56?” Dave the answered, “Do I have to read it in German?” She said, “No, you can read the English translation,” and then he said, ” Okay, then I dedicate this poem to Meg for doing such a good job at doing the family thing.” I ABOUT PEED MY PANTS. So he went on to read the poem, and people awwed and giggled, and it was adorable. And it was embarrassing because then I was blushing like no other.

Aaaaand that’s my lame story of the day.

25 October 2010

Say that again...

She can apologize for herself, she is a big girl.
I will NOT accept her apology if it comes from you. That's NOT how this grace thing works.

24 October 2010

I'm in a bad mood.

So bear with me.
1. I know I never stop talking about it, but maybe if people stop bringing up the fact that they have money pouring from their pockets, then I wouldn't have to worry about the fact that I don't have any. Yes, I am trying to get a job. My mom had the nerve to tell me the other day that getting a seasonal job wasn't good enough and I need to try harder to get a "better" job. Really mom? We live in Goddamn Flint. Tell me where the jobs are and I will gladly go and get a better one so you are happier with me. Then, Rose got pissed at me today because she is planning on going to the Grassroots festival next summer with Johnny and her State friends, and wanted me to go, but of course I have no money, and I need to move out first before I consider going on vacation to other states and such. She got mad because I always bring up how I am poor. Well Rose, maybe you need to stop inviting me to expensive shit and get over it. You have two jobs. Seriously, Shut up.
2. I'm about 85% sure that Josh and Liz are engaged. Need I say more? Its going to be pretty awkward at small group. I mean, I don't really care that much, its just weird to think that my ex is engaged. See? Doesn't that sound weird? Also, Chris wants to plan a trip to Indiana to visit Josh and see how he is doing down there. I will only go if A. I have monies by then, and B. If like a million people go. There is no way I am going if its just the Garcias and Liz. So awkward. I probably won't go anyways. I am the only one in the group who hasn't talked to Josh since he left. Even Walsh is friends with him, so yeah. Weird.
3. I was finally informed that Mott got my FASFA, so that has taken a bit of stress off of me. Now I am just hoping and praying that I get money out of it. Also, I plan on going to Mott tomorrow to bust a cap in the loan people. I really don't know what is going on there. I am about to live without it, because there is no point if my parents are going to help me, and if I am going to transfer next year.
4. I need to look for colleges. Badly. I want to go to a place where there are no annoying people. No such place? Dammit. Well, I guess I will settle for anywhere but here where I am slowly learning to turn away people and where I am turning into a hermit. I am going to find some random hick college in Tawas and work in the Walmart there. It will be a reassuring place because I know NO ONE there, and I will therefore be able to stay motivated in my studies and I can just go to the chocolate store and spend all my earnings there. It will be GREAT.... I'm just kidding, sort of. I just need to get my mind sorted out and beg my parents for money for the app fees and be on my way. I even think that if I moved out of this fucking house, and still went to college here, then I would be 20932849823x happier. We shall see. No more Mott though. I am so fucking over that place.

21 October 2010


It's getting to the point where I would rather stay home on the weekends than have to hang out with them.
I'm glad I got to hang out with Mark, Henry, and Carla this weekend. It was such a good change of pace.

I miss you guys.

13 October 2010

Seriously Guys.

Stop asking me to visit you. I don't have money. I don't have a car. I don't have anything. Stop making me feel so fucking guilty for not seeing you. I think I got asked from 5 or 6 different people to come visit them for Halloween.
I wish I could see you, trust me. I am lonely as fuck here at home, but there is no realistic way that can happen. So please, stop.

09 October 2010

Jimmy Eat World.

There is so much to say about last night. It was like a dream come true. I literally thought I died and went to heaven. The whole day I repeated, "I can't believe it." The entire night, you can even ask Nicole.
Like, I have no idea where to start. I guess when I first got to Royal Oak.
We got there about 3:00, and from there we walked around and tried to keep busy and distracted, so that it would not seem like a long time to wait. We chilled at Barnes and Noble for an hour, and went to a shop to buy some waters. When it was about 4:30, we headed back to the theater to wait back in line, so we could get a good spot of course. As we were walking back, Nicole wanted to go see what was down the side street. We walked a ways, and then I saw him, Jim, the lead singer from Jimmy Eat World. My mind froze for a second, and I didn't know what to think.
"Nicole! That's Jim!!!"
"The lead singer of Jimmy!!!"
We walked a little faster towards the small group of people, but by the time he saw that more people were flocking his way, he turned and headed back to his bus. I thought I was going to pass out. I wish I had been two seconds faster and been able to get a picture.
From then on, we stood in line, outside the theater. We were taking some random pictures, and when it was soon time to head inside, the dude told us to put our camera in our car. Which was gay because everyone else had cameras, as long as they had the flash off. I could have had so many more pictures! UGH.
But that's besides the point.
I mean, I stood 8th in line, and then when they let all of us VIP people in, most of them went to buy shirts and sit before it was all sold out, and then headed to the concert hall. Nicole and I were smart and said, "fuck clothes," and ran inside and got front and center.
I about passed out, peed my pants, had a heart attack, and cried all at the same time, but I did refrain from doing all those things, so don't you guys worry.
The rest of the concert was just fantastic. I was able to see the set-list duct taped to the floor right by Jim's mic, and so I knew all the songs that were going to play, and so that was pretty cool (I however didn't get it at the end of the show because the guys tossed it out too far). I screamed my heart out to every last song; they played all my favorite songs, and I even made it onto their website from the picture that Zach, the drummer, took to show how awesome the show was. So yes, that aspect was awesome. Also, the photographer for the website and promotional things took a fan picture with everyone, and then took a picture of just Nicole and I, picked out from the entire crowd. You may think that was a tad creeper, but he did ask us first if he could do that haha.
At one point during the set, Jim was rocking out ( I think to the song "Work") and he just shook his head, and his sweat landed on my forehead. Sure I was grossed out for .5 seconds, but then I was like, dude, that's what I get for being in the front, and its awesome! Nasty of me, I know.
I also got smashed into the bar countless times. You know, the bar that keeps people from rushing the stage, yeah, it kind of hurt, but once again, worth it.
Near the end of the show, when they started their encore, it became so rowdy, but of course, a good kind of rowdy. Never before have I seen so many crowd surfers in my life! It was epic. It was during the encore that my head smashed the bar, but no bruise, so all is well with that. At least there were body-gaurd-like-dudes that point over our heads whenever there was a surfer coming our way. I almost got lost amongst feet twice, but also, I made it back up because the two guys behind us, and Nicole both were able to pull me back up. Then Tom, the guitarist, gave everyone in the front row a slide-five. AWESOME. Then that's when Zach came out and took the picture.
(Bottom Right in the red shirt. Nicole is to the right of me, my left)
After they ended the show with my favorite song of all time, "Sweetness", we mulled around for a bit, hoping to obtain some guitar picks or drumsticks, but that didn't end up happening. So we left the stage area, and went out to the entrance area to see what there was left of merchandise. As we walked out there, we saw that the hot drummer from We Were Promised Jetpacks was signing stuff and selling CDs. Nicole and I immediately ran to him and got our picture taken and he signed our tickets. Boy, he was adorable! He was that nerdy kind of cute, and just awwwwws. And also, his Scottish accent was to die for. Seriously. After all that chaos with Darren, we went and stood in the other line to buy something. We figured we would just buy something for the heck of it, even if it didn't fit, or it was random. We were about last in line, and when we got up there, all there was left was crappy stuff in size large. But luckily for me, the last hoodie hanging up was a guys size medium, and the guy took it down right from the display and sold it to me. Come to find out, the sweatshirt fit perfectly fine.
Then, on the car ride home, I got a Twitter update saying that Zach had uploaded the picture from the end of the show. So once we got back to Nicole's house, we were able to relive the experience for two more hours, which is what we did.
It seriously was the best experience of my life you guys.
I'm afraid to go to any other concerts after this because now they will all be super mediocre to this one. Hmm. As long as I keep going to Jimmy ones though ;).
Just kidding, I will try and expand my experiences.

05 October 2010

Whoa, I Made A Blog.

I have nothing much to say, unless you want to hear the same old complaints that I seem to present every time I blog. I guess I do have a few things I could add to my list.
You might all think this was adorable, but it was quite awkward on my part. So there is this guy in my German class. Since the first day, I always thought he was alright looking, but he kind of dressed like a Bro, so I was kind of turned away. But as the class has been going, he has shown that he may wear the clothes, but not act like one at all. He is nice, and kind of sarcastic, and has great shoes haha. Well, Bri told me to talk to him, and so I had my chance at the end of class and totally screwed it up. We walked out of class at the same time, and headed in the same direction as we made our way to the exits. He said, "Its been real." And laughed, and all I could do was laugh back. I had about 3 minutes to come up with something to say, and I did nothing. I was completely mortified that all my genius kill-the-awkward-moment ideas didn't come to me until we had parted ways at the exit. I could have commented on the way he subtly told the obnoxious kid to shut up, or tell him that I took French like he did, and I said nothing. What an idiot. I suck at this game now. Sheesh, what an embarrassment.
Hmm, what else is there to say.
That is about the only thing getting me through this week right now. And this week is starting to feel like a century. It sucks because I missed Glee tonight for my sister's game, I have to wait at Mott tomorrow for the financial aid people and give them a piece of my mind, I am doing nursery tomorrow instead of next week, I think I have a test on Thursday, and I have a paper due Friday. I am a little concerned because I bought our tickets as VIP tickets, but nowhere on the ticket does it actually say that. So I need to find the paper work on my dad's computer and see what the deal is. I mean, its not like Nicole and I won't be sitting out there for ages, but it would be nice to get the chance to see them up close and personal. I mean, I would probably cry if that would happen haha.