24 October 2010

I'm in a bad mood.

So bear with me.
1. I know I never stop talking about it, but maybe if people stop bringing up the fact that they have money pouring from their pockets, then I wouldn't have to worry about the fact that I don't have any. Yes, I am trying to get a job. My mom had the nerve to tell me the other day that getting a seasonal job wasn't good enough and I need to try harder to get a "better" job. Really mom? We live in Goddamn Flint. Tell me where the jobs are and I will gladly go and get a better one so you are happier with me. Then, Rose got pissed at me today because she is planning on going to the Grassroots festival next summer with Johnny and her State friends, and wanted me to go, but of course I have no money, and I need to move out first before I consider going on vacation to other states and such. She got mad because I always bring up how I am poor. Well Rose, maybe you need to stop inviting me to expensive shit and get over it. You have two jobs. Seriously, Shut up.
2. I'm about 85% sure that Josh and Liz are engaged. Need I say more? Its going to be pretty awkward at small group. I mean, I don't really care that much, its just weird to think that my ex is engaged. See? Doesn't that sound weird? Also, Chris wants to plan a trip to Indiana to visit Josh and see how he is doing down there. I will only go if A. I have monies by then, and B. If like a million people go. There is no way I am going if its just the Garcias and Liz. So awkward. I probably won't go anyways. I am the only one in the group who hasn't talked to Josh since he left. Even Walsh is friends with him, so yeah. Weird.
3. I was finally informed that Mott got my FASFA, so that has taken a bit of stress off of me. Now I am just hoping and praying that I get money out of it. Also, I plan on going to Mott tomorrow to bust a cap in the loan people. I really don't know what is going on there. I am about to live without it, because there is no point if my parents are going to help me, and if I am going to transfer next year.
4. I need to look for colleges. Badly. I want to go to a place where there are no annoying people. No such place? Dammit. Well, I guess I will settle for anywhere but here where I am slowly learning to turn away people and where I am turning into a hermit. I am going to find some random hick college in Tawas and work in the Walmart there. It will be a reassuring place because I know NO ONE there, and I will therefore be able to stay motivated in my studies and I can just go to the chocolate store and spend all my earnings there. It will be GREAT.... I'm just kidding, sort of. I just need to get my mind sorted out and beg my parents for money for the app fees and be on my way. I even think that if I moved out of this fucking house, and still went to college here, then I would be 20932849823x happier. We shall see. No more Mott though. I am so fucking over that place.

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