18 January 2010


I have lots to say, and then again, I really don't have anything to say at all.
A lot has happened this past week. Literally. I started my new job, I hung with Josh everyday but Tuesday, I had two days loaded with class, and I had church functions. Currently, I feel like I am just going through the motions for the most part. I mean, school isn't exactly on the top of my list right now, although it should be if I hope to get out of this hell hole.
Well, actually I'm kind of glad that I stayed here. I mean, I did get the opportunity to figure out what I want to do, I got closer to my church, I managed to get a decent job, I was able to build some closure with Cam, and yeah I know its cheesy, I got to meet Josh.
Things with Josh seem to be going pretty dang good. I mean, there are still some things that we need to figure out, but it has gotten kind of hard to actually get the time, and privacy to talk about these things.
My mom has turned into a Nazi. No lie. She doesn't give me an inch of space to breathe. I still manage to have a fucking curfew, at eighteen nonetheless. I guess I can't complain too much, I have a roof over my head, and I get to hang out with whoever I want, as long as they are out of the house by midnight on week nights, and 12:30 on weekends. What the fuck am I saying? I am choking here. I really am. I need to get away. I mean, Josh just came over not too long ago, without my mom knowing of course, just so we could finish talking about what we were talking about last night before I had to be home. That is how desperate we are getting. I mean yeah, there is this great thing called the telephone, but I feel a whole lot better talking about things with people in person.
Anyways... I'm working on getting enough money saved up so that I might be able to have my own apartment for next year. I mean, look, we all know that there is no way I am getting out of here before my junior year. Yeah, maybe I should have tried harder, but I really had to get things sorted out on the home front first. Look at some of the good that has come out of it. I wouldn't have been able to do that if I was at Northern, State, or SVSU. There would just be no way.

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