14 June 2010

This Day.

Is over. Thank God.
I thought this day was going to be great, and it was, don't get me wrong. The open house was fun, the thing at church was fun, game night was fun, and the bonfire was fun. I just can't get passed two things that make me really sad.
1. I saw Cam's mom today. Yeah, stupid that I would be sad about that. I knew how much I missed his family, and being around them all the time, but not until his mom told me she was talking about me the other day, and hoping that she would see me at Fry's open house did I really grasp how much they all meant to me. Then she had to go and say she wanted a hug, and I thought I was going to lose it. That moment just made me really regret saying "I can't" with Cam. I know, you guys all hate me now for saying it, but that's just how it felt. I wish I would've had the chance to talk to her more, and ask her how everyone has been. I miss them all so much, and it sucks. I guess its the price I pay for making the choice that I made. Its just kind of sucked lately because I have only had a million people ask me about Cameron lately for no reason at all. Its just been people letting me know he works at Walmart, which I obviously already knew, and people telling me that he might be at the open house, and I don't really care. I mean, I do care because I really miss him as a friend and have been wondering how things have been going for all of them lately, but I don't hate him, and I really wish certain people would realize that. He was important to me, and was a big part of my life, and I really wish that some people would understand that and realize it. Bleh, this is all weird and it was a really bittersweet thing seeing her today. It still makes me want to cry thinking about it.
2. The fact that Fry, yes you, are really serious about leaving permanently. I mean, you are free to do as you please, but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck. Let's be honest, I may cry just as hard, or even harder than when Jana left, for you. I've known you for a good long while, and I can't believe that you are considering living across the OCEAN for good. It's really sad, and I'm going to miss you, really, I am. You better blog every other day while you are over there for those 5 weeks and keep us posted on what is happening with the whole living situation, or else I will hunt you down haha.

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