08 July 2010


So, I suck at remembering to blog. My bad.
A lot has happened in the past week. So much stuff that I can't keep my days straight. This past weekend was awesome, and well-spent in Ludington. One day we shopped, another was tubing, and another was spent eight hours under the sun on Summit Park. Love love love how this past weekend was spent. I was so glad to get away and just relaaaaaax. Although, this means no more vacationing for me because I am now officially dirt poor, and plan on saving money for a sweet-ass phone, or a bunch of awesomeness for the fall. Who knows.
Then on Monday, I got some nasty news about my boss. She's an idiot and wrote me a check from a closed account. Its all done and over with now, as of yesterday, but it was still a hassle. Oh well, that's just another life lesson for me.
This also means that I need to find another job. I am still working with Robin, but I really don't want another mix-up again, so hopefully I can find a replacement. As of right now, there is about a 35% chance that I might be a sort of nanny for these two boys that I am babysitting this week when the school year comes around for them. The Weichels are the cutest things in the whole world, and their mom is awesome, so maybe I can take care of them after coaching, which would be perfect because then I could take them home, make them dinner, and just wait until their mom gets there. She pays well too, not that I need to be paid much because I basically do nothing but cook for them and watch them while they are outside, but whatever, no complaints haha.
Speaking of motivation for a job...what happened to all my motivation from the Spring? Bleh. I need to get back with it. I'm remembering the little crap, but not working out and eating healthy. Bleh.
Ew, also, my mom has been pressuring me to meet boys. Never let your mom get involved in that. Or, at least not my mom. I swear she was a Jewish matchmaker in a past life. She keeps bugging Rosie for guys she knows, and asking me if I have met people. Mom. Where the hell am I going to meet people if I am sitting on my ass at home or work? Get over it. It was especially bad when Rose showed me a kid named Kevin in her summer Physics class that I said was good-looking. My mom went insane and was bombarding Rose with info, and how I should just talk to him and blah blah blah.
I need to get out of this house. Too bad I don't think I ever will leave this city. Its something I have come to accept though.
Speaking of leaving...Ludington pictures Bri?

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