12 August 2009

I'm Turning Green With Envy

I was going to post this blog about the randomness of my week so far, but my mind has been clouded with only one thing. Maybe I'll share my week with you guys another day.

These constant reminders make me sick. Why did you have to bring up the subject of dating? I know you didn't do it on purpose, but it makes me feel bad about myself. I haven't been on a date since June, but that was with Cam and no big deal, and not meant to be a date. So really, I haven't been on a date since April, and guess who it was with? Bingo. Cameron. The closest thing I've had to a date was on Sunday, with Cam (of course), but he is taken, so it wasn't anything. Just walking around the mall having some laughs and him purchasing shoes. Cam also asked me the same thing when we were hanging out. Just made me realize things. A lot of things that I shouldn't say, but there were a lot of things that were brought up and were talked about.

It just always has to be about him doesn't it? Fuck.

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