16 March 2010


It's been a while, I know. I guess I have just been too busy lately to sit down and actually talk about something on here. I guess you guys could use a little update.
This past week was break, and it was pretty hectic for a vacation. The most memorable thing was finding out I was allergic to my medication. Who knew I was allergic to penicillin? Not me. I rarely am sick, so I guess that's why I have never really gotten the chance to find that out. I was taking the antibiotics because I had an infection in my throat and my lymph nodes were the size of eggs. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't swallow. It reallllly sucked. Then I became allergic to my Amoxacillin, and had to take some new stuff to get rid of the hives. It didn't get to the point of where my throat closed up, but it was getting there. It was awful.
I'm glad that I did have some good times during break though that helped to cancel out those nasty times. I hung out with Angel quite a bit, which was good. Then I managed to see Bill, which was also good. I did my St. Paul stuff as usual, and I was able to hang out with the people I wanted to. Bri's birthday went pretty well. It was really fun just running around and baking the biggest cake EVER. Also, making the most guacamole ever was awesome too. I thought it was a lot of fun. I was also able to purchase the Mute Math album, so I am geeked about that.
I guess I don't really have much to say. With the whole Josh thing, its pretty much just trying to figure out where we are in life and careers and emotions and everything. Its just really confusing. He needs to learn how to have faith in himself and trust himself better. I know that used to be an issue for me, and still can be, but I have found that if you can't believe in yourself, then no one else will believe in you either, and he needs to see that. Its just going to take a lot of work, but I guess I am here for him, so that is a good start. I just really wish that all of this would get figured out and we could start seeing some answers all around.

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