27 March 2010


I talked to him, finally, about the whole call process. He has finally accepted that things are going to move at a slow pace for him, and he is okay with that. He does know now that he will stay here until June, so that is a good thing. He also won a music writing contest for the LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and that means that his song will be published in Lutheran hymnals and maybe send him on a music career, but he can only hope for the second part of that. He told me that he is glad that we get a chance to work on our friendship first, because he doesn't know if he could handle keeping a girlfriend happy, and thinks that it may put too much on his plate already. He said he needs to call back the Florida people so that he might get the chance to plan a visit down there. So, I guess that means he might still be considering to go down there. He just needs to see what they have to offer and figure out what there all is going on. I guess this is just more wait-and-see kind of stuff.
Oh yeah, to add to all my weirdness going on, Drew has to go and tell me that he likes me. Great. Not that it changes how I feel about everything, but it just adds this weirdness to the relationship that Drew and I had. We were simply good friends at a distance. Or, at least that is the best way to put it. I have no idea, its just so strange. Whatever, its not like anything is going to happen with him. I am totally happy with the way things are right now. Okay, I am not 100% happy about it, but at least I am able to see the person I like, and I am not just kept at a distance.

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