20 April 2010


I'm in for the final stretch. I cannot WAIT until summer hits, and being in college means that it will hit sooner than ever!
That really does make me happy.
I just really need to crack down on these papers. I have no freaking idea what I am gonna do about this Anthro paper. I only have a week to experience a new religious/supernatural belief. And no, I refuse to do anything that has to do with palm reading, or tarot cards, or Ouija boards. That stuff freaks me out, and I was raised to stay away from it, and that is okay with me.
Yesterday, I made a list of things, or rather, I started a list of things that I could do to better myself over the summer. The list mostly has to do with health and money, but I think that is a start. I have to be honest, I think vacations and road trips will be minimal for me this summer. Especially since I need to look into colleges and save my money. One of my rules is that I am only allowed to take out 30 bucks from each paycheck, and 20 of it has to go to gas, and the other 10 is for spending. I really need to save my money guys, its just the way it is.
In the past couple days, and after I wrote my last entry, I have done a lot of praying and talking to Chris and Josh about CUAA, and I think that is looking more and more like a possibility each day. I really need some time to look at the program online or something. I do have a chance to go and visit CUAA with Rachel, Chris, and Andrew, so I may take them up on that. I just have to ask Robin not to schedule me that day. That should be interesting.

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