15 June 2009

I Wish You Were a Stranger I Could Disengage

Today was one of those days.
Just one of those crappy days where you realize things.
It was weird. I was so mad and sad, that I just cried.
It's worse when you realize how alone you feel, then you actually being alone. Bleh.
Today was just a crappy day for all of this.
I felt accomplished though. I got a lot done for my open house.
Then all this nonsense hit me when the friends started to arrive for everyone else. Bleh again.
I have no idea what has gotten into me suddenly.
I also have noticed some people trying to rekindle some friendship. Guess who? That's right. Brad. No complaints there though, much to many people's disregard. But I'm sure if Rosie is okay with it, the rest of you guys can be. I went to his open house, and surprised him. Haha that was kind of funny. So the friendship department is kind of looking up, I guess. Then again, I think I managed to piss Cam off again. Gah, I need to learn when to say something and when not to.
I just hate when my stupid needy part of me kicks in. I feel desperate. BLEH. I hate that so much. I don't want to be like some people I know; so desperate for anyone. I DON'T WANT THAT. I want that special someone, who is actually worth my time! Gahhhhhh.

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