28 June 2009

There Goes Today, It Slowly Fades Away

Here goes today, never go
Never go away...
I hope this picture is motivation for you, Jana and Carla, to upload the pictures from the trip. This is a picture from the pier/ lighthouse, from my phone, from the first night.
I feel like I'm heading back down a hill. Not too sure why. Everything seems fine. I have lost two friends now. I can no longer consider Jess one of my good friends after what she said to Alexis. What if she's thinking the same thing about? I don't think I can take those chances. Summer is when I find out who my true friends are right?
Speaking of which. I need friends who spend less time with their significant others haha. This is getting kind of old. Especially when I was almost blamed for being a cheater. Sheesh!
Let me tell you...
I went to Drew's to hangout and play Brawl; catch up on times because I hadn't hung out with him in literally ages. It got hot in the basement, and we wanted to go wait for Annie to get there, so we went and chilled outside. I went inside for a sec and came out, and there was exploded pop everywhere. Apparently pop explodes after sitting in the sun for too long. So i helped Drew clean up the pop. I went to go grab the can, and I could hear a car slow down, assuming it was Annie. I turn around to see, and I hear the engine just gun it down the road. All I could hear Drew say was "fuck," ever so quietly under his breath. Apparently he didn't tell Annie that I was going to be there when she arrived, so she automatically assumed he was cheating on her. Of course. So I assumed that I should leave ASAP. I ran inside and grabbed Jana's lacrosse stick and my purse, and started speed walking down the road. Within the next second, I heard Drew's car whip out of his driveway. I quickly moved to the right side of the road, and he zoomed past me in Annie's direction. When I made it to Angie's house I had to grab a water and calm down in the shade while my soccer girls, Courtney, Kaylee, and Kaleigh Fiewig laughed at me running in looking like an idiot with a pink lacrosse stick. Thank God Angie was not around to see me freaking out like that haha. Drew proceeded to call me later that night to inform me that all is good and well again, and I will not be feeling the wrath of Annie anytime soon. Thank God...
Lately I have been feeling very tired. Well, more like worn out. Its not like I go anywhere, so I'm not too sure why. Late nights, and early mornings don't mix well with not being able to sleep.
Yes, No Sleep Meg has come back. Oh goody.
Oh, and by the way. We need to plan a video chat at Bri's ASAP. Otherwise I might implode from the amount of Jana I seem to NOT be receiving.
The End.

1 comment:

  1. hold on a sec. you were ashamed of running around with the too-cool-for-anybody-but-meg-and-jana-to-touch-and-play-with-pink-lacrosse stick?? I AM SHOCKED!

    i will upload a video blog pretty soon too btw. or give me a time when ur at bris for the video chat :) i hope youll get your computer soon! i cant wait!

    so thats all for now. i am still under shock because of the lax-stick thing, i cant comment the rest of the story xD but its hilarious ^^
