28 October 2009

This is Totally Random

I was having a strange thought today. I was thinking, what if people didn't see colors the way I saw them? Let me explain. Say I'm walking down the street, and I point to a stop sign, and ask someone what color it was. We would both agree that it's red, because we all learned from the Crayola Box that that is in fact the color red. But what if I could see through their eyes? Would the color they were seeing be MY shade of red, or would it be MY shade of yellow. They would perceive the world so differently, but never have a second thought about it! They would look at the sky and see "blue" but if I were to peer through their eyes, it would in fact be purple! Its a strange thing to grasp, I know, but its also interesting thing to think about. No one would ever know that they were seeing things differently, because they would name all the things the correct colors in which they were taught. Then the next question would be, which color is right? Would the person who see red as MY red be in the right, or would the person who saw MY green as THEIR blue be in the right? This is such a strange thing to grasp. This idea came to me as I was thinking about my philosophy class and we were discussing how we all perceive things. Hmmm. Like right now, this font is blue to all of you reading this, but what color is your blue to me???


  1. i have thought about that too, it acutally came up in a conversation i had just a week or two ago. ;)
    well but i guess there is no "right" blue or red or purple or whatever. There doesn't need to be one. - It just has to be right for you...
